Alaska Squatters’ Rights & Adverse Possession Laws - 2025

What Are Squatters’ Rights in Alaska?

In Alaska, squatters can potentially claim legal ownership of an abandoned property through a legal concept called adverse possession. Adverse possession allows a person to acquire title ownership of real property by occupying the land continuously for a statutory period of time. 

To claim adverse possession in Alaska, squatters must occupy the property for 20 consecutive years. During that time, the squatter must meet specific requirements to prove their possession is actual, open, notorious, exclusive, hostile, and continuous:

  1. The squatter must maintain the property and make improvements like building structures or cultivating the land. This demonstrates actual possession.
  2. The squatter must occupy the property openly and without attempting to hide their occupancy. Their possession must be obvious to the legal owner and public.  
  3. The squatter must exclusively possess the property as the only occupant. They cannot share possession with strangers, the public, or the legal owner.
  4. The squatter's possession must be hostile to the interests of the legal owner. They cannot have the true owner's permission to occupy the land.
  5. The squatter must possess the property continuously for the full statutory period without any significant gaps. Minor occasional absences are allowed.

In addition to meeting these requirements, the squatter must pay all property taxes on the land during the statutory period. If the squatter meets all criteria for the 20 years, they can file a lawsuit to claim legal ownership of the property through adverse possession.

Who Qualifies as a Squatter in Alaska?

In order to be considered a squatter in Alaska, a person must be occupying an abandoned property without the legal owner's permission. This means they do not have a lease agreement or any other documented right to be on the property.

A squatter is different from a holdover tenant, who is a tenant that continues to occupy a property after their lease has ended. Holdover tenants still had permission from the owner to live on the property at some point, whereas squatters never had legal rights to occupy the land.

The key factor that turns a trespasser into a squatter is the intention to claim ownership or adverse possession of the property at some point. Squatters occupy the abandoned property with the goal of using Alaska's adverse possession laws to legally gain title to the land after 20 years of continuous occupation. 

Unlike normal trespassers who know they are illegally present, squatters believe they have a legitimate right to live on the property. They intend to fulfill the requirements for adverse possession in order to turn their unauthorized use into legal ownership. As long as a trespasser plans to remain on the land indefinitely and claim adverse possession, they can be considered a squatter under Alaska law.

How Do Squatters Claim Ownership in Alaska?

In order for squatters to successfully claim ownership of a property in Alaska through adverse possession, they must meet several requirements:

Occupy the property continuously for 20 years

The squatter must reside on the property without any gaps of absence for the entire 20 year period. Even short vacations or periods away from the home could disrupt the continuity of their possession.  

Use and improve the property

During their 20 years of occupation, the squatter must use the property as an owner would and make improvements to demonstrate their ownership. This could include building structures, maintaining the land, planting gardens, etc. Simply occupying the property is not enough.

Pay property taxes on the land

The squatter must pay all relevant property taxes on the land for the full 20 year period. If the squatter fails to pay taxes even once during those 20 years, it could jeopardize their claim.

Occupy the land openly and notoriously

The squatter cannot try to hide the fact that they are occupying the land. Their possession must be obvious to the public, neighbors, and the legal owner. 

Believe in good faith they have a right to the property

The squatter must not be aware that they took possession illegally at the time of occupation. They must demonstrate a good faith belief that they had a valid right to live on the property.

By meeting all of these requirements for a full 20 years, the squatter can make a legal claim of adverse possession to officially gain ownership of the previously abandoned property in Alaska. Proving each of these elements in court is essential to successfully claiming squatters' rights.

Removing Squatters from Your Alaska Property 

If you find squatters occupying your vacant property in Alaska without your permission, you will need to take legal action to have them removed. Here are the steps property owners should follow:

Serve the squatters with a notice to quit

The first step is to provide written notice ordering the squatters to leave the premises within a certain time frame, usually 5-30 days. This gives them a chance to leave on their own before further legal action is taken. The notice should identify the property, demand the squatters vacate immediately, and state that eviction proceedings will begin if they fail to leave.

File an eviction lawsuit

If the squatters do not leave after the allotted time period in the notice to quit, the next step is to file a lawsuit for eviction against them in Alaska district court. This formally starts the legal proceedings to have the squatters removed. You will have to provide evidence you are the legal property owner and that they are occupying without consent.

Get a court order for removal

After hearing both sides, the court will decide on your eviction lawsuit. If the judge rules in your favor, you will be given a court order directing law enforcement to remove the squatters from the premises. The sheriff's department will then enforce the eviction order and escort the squatters off the property.

Following these steps carefully is crucial for Alaska property owners to successfully regain legal possession and control of their land from unwanted squatters. Consulting with a local real estate attorney can also help ensure the proper eviction protocol is followed. Acting promptly when squatters are discovered gives the best chance of having them removed without having to go through a lengthy adverse possession challenge.

Preventing Squatters in Alaska

While adverse possession laws can make removing squatters difficult in Alaska, property owners do have options to prevent squatters from occupying their land in the first place. Taking proactive measures can help deter potential squatters and keep your property free of trespassers. 

Some key ways to prevent squatters in Alaska include:

Inspect your vacant property regularly

Frequent inspections of any unused property can help identify squatters early or deter them from occupying the land at all. Drive by vacant land occasionally or do walk-throughs of vacant homes/buildings to check for signs of trespassing.

Post “No Trespassing” signs

Posting visible signage that prohibits unauthorized people from being on your land makes it clear the property is private. This creates documentation to support trespassing charges if needed. 

Install barriers like fences to restrict access

Physical barriers like fencing and locked gates can prevent squatters from easily accessing your vacant property. Obstructing entry points helps deny squatters the opportunity to occupy the land.

Consider having a property management company monitor the land

Hiring a property management firm to check on your vacant property provides more frequent monitoring than a property owner can likely perform themselves. Management companies make it harder for squatters to go unnoticed.

Taking proactive precautions like regular inspections, signage, barriers, and professional monitoring can help safeguard your vacant property from the risk of squatters in Alaska. Though adverse possession laws may favor squatters, property owners still have options to avoid and remove unwanted trespassers.

Squatters Rights in Other States

Alaska's 20 year requirement for adverse possession is lengthy compared to other states. For example, California and New York have some of the shortest adverse possession time periods in the country.

In California, squatters only need to occupy a property continuously for 5 years before they can claim adverse possession. The requirements are similar - paying property taxes, improving the land, using it continuously and openly. After 5 years, squatters can file a quiet title lawsuit and claim legal ownership.

New York has a 10 year time period for adverse possession. Again, squatters need to meet all the requirements like paying taxes and making improvements. The 10 year period is shorter than most states, but still twice as fast as Alaska's 20 year requirement. 

The state with the absolute shortest adverse possession period is Texas at just 3 years. This has led some people to "claim" vacant homes in Texas by squatting in them for a few years before seeking ownership. Critics argue the short time period encourages squatters and land grabs. 

Overall, Alaska's 20 year continuous occupancy requirement is lengthy compared to other states like California and New York. The shortest time periods are found in states like Texas (3 years), Louisiana (10 years), and Hawaii (10 years). This makes adverse possession harder to accomplish in Alaska than many other states.

Challenges of Removing Squatters

Taking legal action against squatters isn't always a straightforward process for property owners. In some cases, determining the rights of squatters versus landowners becomes complex and lengthy:

Eviction lawsuits against squatters can drag on for months or years in some cases, all while the squatters continue occupying the property rent-free. The court may be inclined to give squatters extra chances to leave before ordering law enforcement removal.  

Squatters manipulating the law

Savvy squatters sometimes find ways to exploit legal technicalities to their advantage. For example, they may claim exceptions like being an involuntary tenant or having an oral rental agreement with the owner allowing them to stay. Squatters may present fabricated documents or false information in court to delay proceedings.

Damage and neglect of property

By the time an eviction is completed, squatters may have already degraded the property through neglect, vandalism or unapproved modifications. The owner can be left with substantial costs for repairs and cleanup.

Safety risks

Removing defiant squatters poses risks for law enforcement and the owner. Squatters may refuse to leave, hide on the property or violently resist removal. Owners should not attempt to forcefully remove squatters themselves.

Dealing with squatters illegally occupying property often presents frustrating hurdles for property owners. Consulting with a real estate attorney experienced in squatter issues can help navigate the complex legal process of reclaiming ownership and removing unwanted squatters.

When Squatters Rights Go Too Far

Squatters rights can sometimes be taken advantage of, leading to extreme cases of adverse possession claims. There have been instances where squatters have exploited legal loopholes and claimed ownership of extravagant properties that clearly did not belong to them.

In one notorious case, a man moved into a $2.5 million mansion in an upscale Texas neighborhood by literally breaking in through a window. He then filed a claim for adverse possession, asserting he had a right to the home after occupying it openly for three years. While the claim was eventually defeated in court, the man continued to drag out legal proceedings as long as possible before finally being evicted.  

Other audacious squatters have staked claims on everything from multimillion dollar estates in the Hamptons to swanky condos in Manhattan. They often exploit weaknesses in property monitoring or oversight to occupy lavish homes for years rent-free before trying to take legal ownership. 

There have also been squatters who intentionally seek out and target vacant investment or vacation properties and second homes. They research properties in foreclosure or without active property management, looking for easy opportunities to trespass. This type of organized squatting abuse specifically aims to take advantage of adverse possession laws.

While squatters' rights serve valid legal purposes, they are sometimes misused by bad actors attempting to "game the system." Concerned property owners need to be diligent and proactive to detect unauthorized occupants early and take appropriate legal action. Extensive delays can allow crafty squatters to build stronger cases for adverse possession claims.

Ethics of Squatters Rights

The concept of squatters' rights brings up complex ethical questions around property rights. On one hand, adverse possession laws allow people to claim ownership of abandoned properties that they have occupied and improved. This can be seen as a productive use of neglected properties that benefits communities. 

However, adverse possession directly conflicts with the principle of property rights - that landowners have a right to determine how their property is used. When squatters occupy someone's land without permission, they are infringing on those property rights. Critics argue that adverse possession essentially allows "theft" of property after a statute of limitations expires.

Proponents counter that adverse possession requires lengthy, open, and notorious occupation before ownership transfers. If a property owner neglects their land for decades, at some point the squatter's claim from actively using the land becomes stronger than the absentee owner's dormant claim. 

There are good-faith arguments on both sides of this debate. Some view squatters' rights as a fair way to return abandoned properties to use, while others see it as an unjust violation of property rights. Societies must weigh these competing ethics and strike an appropriate balance within their adverse possession laws. The specific time periods and requirements matter greatly in determining what claims should be upheld.

In the end, there are no easy answers. Adverse possession involves a complex balancing of property rights, productive land use, and rule of law. Alaska and other states aim to strike that balance with their specific statutes of limitations and requirements. But the underlying ethical questions will continue to be debated as long as adverse possession remains part of property law.

Key Takeaways

  • Squatters rights, also known as adverse possession, allow people occupying abandoned property to potentially claim legal ownership after meeting certain requirements over an extended period of time. In Alaska, this time period is 20 continuous years.
  • To claim adverse possession in Alaska, squatters must occupy the property openly, treat it as their own, pay any property taxes, and make improvements to the land. The occupation must be continuous for the full 20 years.
  • Property owners can prevent claims of adverse possession by inspecting their vacant property regularly, posting no trespassing signs, installing physical barriers, and having a property manager monitor the land. 
  • If squatters do occupy the land, owners need to take action quickly to remove them through formal eviction proceedings. Serving proper notice and filing a lawsuit is the legal process to remove squatters.
  • There are ethical concerns around adverse possession laws which allow taking property from a legal owner after a period of illegal occupation. However, these laws try to promote productive use of neglected properties.
  • In Alaska and other states, adverse possession strikes a balance between protecting owner's rights and allowing abandoned properties to be put to use. Understanding the requirements helps both property owners and squatters alike.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get rid of squatters in Alaska?

To remove squatters in Alaska, property owners should first ask the squatter to leave. If they refuse, the owner may need to file a lawsuit for eviction, treating the squatter as they would a tenant without a lease. Legal procedures must be followed closely to ensure the eviction is lawful.

What is the shortest time for squatters' rights?

In Alaska, the shortest time frame for establishing squatters' rights through adverse possession is 7 years. The squatter must possess the property openly, continuously, and hostilely, and in some cases, must have paid property taxes during this period.

Does Alaska have adverse possession?

Yes, Alaska recognizes adverse possession, a legal principle allowing a person to claim ownership of land under certain conditions, including continuous and open possession for at least 7 years, among other requirements.

How do I evict a tenant in Alaska?

To evict a tenant in Alaska, landlords must provide the tenant with a written notice of eviction, specifying the reason and the time frame for the tenant to address the issue or vacate. If the tenant does not comply, the landlord can file an eviction lawsuit in court.

Can you still squat in Alaska?

Squatting, or occupying unused land without the owner's permission, can still occur in Alaska. However, squatters have rights only if they meet strict conditions under adverse possession laws over an extended period.

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